Image courtesy of Life 123 |
When I was working on getting pregnant, I was a good patient. I took my pre-natal vitamin regularly before, during and a bit after pregnancy (while breast-feeding) but once my babies were weaned it seems I was too. I never seemed to keep up the habit of taking a vitamin on a regular basis. However, just like most of what I've been writing about on Wednesday's this year, I've decided to change.
In the past few weeks I took up reading about vitamins and their importance and mainly why I should be interested in my intake level. The assumption is always that because we eat, we receive the vitamins we need and so why take extra. The truth is, with the types of diets most of us eat, we don't get nearly the nutrients our bodies need. Our bodies tell us in various ways such as: Fatigue, loss of appetite, or chapped lips. These occur when the body does not have enough of the "B" vitamins it needs. As a woman the vitamins and minerals I need to be concerned with most are: Antioxidants such as vitamins A, C & E; B vitamins (folic acid, B6 & B12); Vitamin D; Vitamin K.
Knowing this information I decided to start on a water-soluble (easier on the system) vitamin that contains all the necessary nutrients as a dietary supplement. What I've found is that coupled with my new exercise routine and my water intake, I now have more energy throughout the day and more focus to get my varied tasks done.
I am not a doctor, so I cannot recommend any dietary supplement for you. Which is why I haven't even given you the name of the product I'm using. We are all unique and have different needs. You, along with your doctor, should determine what your particular needs are and how to address them. Here are a few articles to help get you started:
Essential Vitamins for Women at Every Age
Best Vitamins for Women
Daily Vitamin Intake Chart
What are your thoughts on this? Do you take a vitamin? Why? I'd love to hear some feedback on this topic.
If you're just joining the conversation, here is a link to the previous Workout Wednesday posts.
Next week: Body Part Targeting