
My husband and I decided that we'd like to take small local trips as often as possible begining this year and beyond. Last weekend we took our first family trip down to Plymouth, MA. We stayed at the
John Carver Inn & Spa which is located in the heart of historical
Plymouth, MA. It was about an hour and a half drive down which was nothing compared to our 32-hour drive to the Midwest in December. We arrived at about 1:30 in the afternoon which is an hour and a half before allowed check-in, but since our room was ready we were able to check-in as soon as we arrived.

We'd told our son that we were going to a hotel with a pool so we knew the first thing we had to do was get to the pool. As soon as we dropped our bags in the room everyone got into bathing suits and we headed to the very family friendly pool with the replica of Plymouth Rock and The Mayflower II.
Most of the afternoon was spent in the pool then we headed over to the
Hearth n Kettle restaurant for dinner. We'd all had a pretty long day so it was no surprise that everyone fell asleep right around 9:30 pm. The next morning the boys took a quick trip back to the pool while the ladies slept in. Although we did have the opportunity to take a look at the historical district, with the temps right around 16 degrees that morning we decided it would be best to return to Plymouth "in-season" in order to truly enjoy the sights.
Here are a few pics from our "get-away".
Arrival at the hotel |
Ready for the pool! |
Baby girl's first time in a pool |
Plymouth Rock |
Mayflower II Replica |
For the record, I did not bring any yarn, hooks or my laptop and my husband, who is a screenwriter, did not bring his laptop either. . . we decided it would be a "no-work" kindda weekend!