√ I love chunky yarn! I love it becasue it's warm and cozy, but also because it works up quickly when working on a project. A nice big hug from a chunky scarf, shawl or sweater is just what the doctor ordered for the winter weather ahead.
Used to be that when I thought of a chunky project my first thought was Lion Brand Thick & Quick yarn. Yes there are lots of other brands, but most are much pricier so when thinking within budget, that was my default yarn. I loved using it. However, in the past few months I've discovered Loops & Thread Cozy. At first I didn't pay much attention, but when I started noticing colors that I really like and I felt the texture, I decided the water was fine and that I should jump in. I haven't looked back. Don't get me wrong, I still think Thick & Quick is a lovely yarn but here are my reasons for selecting Loops & Thread Cozy Wool more often:
- The wool acrylic ratio in Cozy Wool is 50/50, in Thick & Quick it's 86% acrylic, 10% wool and 4% rayon. I like the idea of having more wool rather than less in the ball of yarn
- Cozy Wool is a lot softer to the touch. It may because of the process they use, or it may be because of the wool content, whatever the reason, it's a smoother yarn.
- Cozy Wool costs less. Now, I know that because Loops & Thread is a Michael's product they're going to want to sell it lower than the competition, but if you need to order Thick & Quick from Lion Brand directly, it will cost $9.50 a ball not including shipping. Cozy Wool costs $6.99 in the store
- The color palette for Cozy Wool is much more varied with less varigation and more solid colors

I will use both yarns depending on the project, but I do feel that I will gravitate to the Cozy Wool first then if not available in the color of choice check to see if Thick & Quick is available.