Last week Ring of Wire was having a contest on her Facebook page to celebrate the milestone of 200 fans (whoo hoo)! I was very excited for her, but when I noticed what the prize was on a certain day, I had to express not only my excitement for her, but for the lovely item I could win just by leaving a comment. So I left a comment and put it out of my mind.
Imagine my surprise when I got an email the next day saying I won! I did the happy dance and proceeded to tell everyone about my new ring. I promised to showcase it, but life got in the way (you know how that happens) and I didn't get to photograph and show it off last week. So, I decided to write a whole blog post and showcase it here. Isn't it lovely?!
Melissa of Ring of Wire does lovely work and I can't wait to have an excuse to get another ring from her. Go show her some love and let her know you saw her lovely work on Yarn Obsession!