Friday, November 29, 2013

√ The Crochet Dude - Carnation Bouquet Afghan Project

1. The Crochet Dude - Carnation Bouquet Afghan Project
One of the nice things about being a "yarnie" is being able to participate in charitable causes that require the making of yarnie projects!! Sometimes they are eleborate other times, they are small quick and dirty projects that allow you a commercial break between your planned projects. The Crochet Dude gave opportunity for just that type of commercial break. He decided to design this crochet square and have as many people possible send him one so he can then stitch them together for an afghan to travel with him.

He then went one step further and decided to donate an afghan, in this same likeness to charity! The project is called CBAP or the "Carnation Bouquet Afghan Project" and it will only take you a few minutes to be part of something bigger. . . take a commercial break!