Thursday, November 21, 2013

√ New Baby Girl!!!

1. New Baby Girl!!!
I know it's been a bit of time since I've posted, but I have a very good reason! She was born on April 3rd weighing in at 7 pounds 4.2 ouces and 19 inches long. She came via c-section so I've had a bit of recovery to do while I also get to know my new little girl.

When we found out we were pregnant we were quite surprised. We had come to the conclusion that it wasn't going to happen for us anymore and we'd just be happy with our son. However, God had other plans. Anastasia Renee came into our lives and we are so thankful for a happy healthy baby to again ground us and give us perspective. . . she's also given me the opportunity to get back into playing with my hooks, needles and yarn and for that I am most excited.

I hope you will forgive my absence, but there are so many exciting things happening that will make up for it! I'm ready to move forward with lots of new projects and I hope you're ready to stack them up!