Image borrowed from Adria Richards' Flckr |
Therefore this morning I made a few changes that I think are going to help me continue on my health path, and also really target my "problem area" the abs. I've taken away the jumping jacks because my shape ups are doing wonders for my legs, buttocks and thighs as I walk so I'm not sure I need the jumping jacks. I've added push-ups, and scissor legs to my crunches and sit-ups as well as a Pilates plank style position that really works the core.
One thing that re-assessing and tweaking does is it re-ignites the excitement for the routine. When a routine becomes just "routine" it looses it's lustre. I'm really looking forward to the new exercises and seeing their effects. I'm starting with 20 push-ups, 20 scissor legs, 20 seconds of the plank hold, 30 crunches and 16 sit ups. . . let's see how it goes.
I'm also about incorporating easy activities throughout my day so I take the stairs, park so I can walk an extra few steps and now I've decided to get myself an exercise ball (as seen in the photo) to use as my "chair" at my desk at work. Every little bit counts and it helps to keep me poised and hopefully with a strong core.
Oh Yeah, and here's my shoe! I purchase and wore them over the weekend and loved it!
If you're just joining this journey, click here to see all previous Workout Wednesday posts. I'd love to hear about the progress you've made in your health journey!