» contest
» crochet
» Sedruola Maruska
» support the troops
» yarn obsession
» yellow neckwarmer
» √ Silent Comeback Contest
Monday, February 3, 2014
√ Silent Comeback Contest
√ I'm sure many of you have been wondering where I've been. Well, I've been working on other pursuits but life isn't done twisting me around just yet! However, I've found that no matter what happens, and how far I go, I always come back to yarn. . . so here I am, working on new projects and loving every minute!
As a "silent re-opening" incentive, I'd like to run a small contest. The prize will be <--- a="a" href="http://www.etsy.com/listing/64582338/pattern-crochet-woven-lemon-neckwarmer" latest="latest" my="my" of="of" prototype="prototype" this="this">pattern. All you have to do is leave a comment to this post thanking a specific service-person or saying why you are grateful to the troops for their service. That's it!--->
This contest ends on January 2, 2014 and the winner will be announced on January 3, 2014. Everyone is eligible to enter, so be sure to tell your friends to come by and leave a comment! Winners will be selected by a randomizer.
Good luck!
2:28 AM