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» Guest Blogger
» sedruola
» yarn obsession
» √ Write A Guest Post For Yarn Obsession
Sunday, December 1, 2013
√ Write A Guest Post For Yarn Obsession
√ Yarn Obsession is currently accepting guest bloggers! Itâs a great way to get your name in front of potential customers and expanding your business base. We ask that all guest post submissions be original and not already published anywhere else online.
Please Read the requirements and guidelines below before you submit a guest post.
Important Note: The publishing of a guest post is at Sedruola Maruskaâs sole discretion. Posts that are found to be for the primary purpose of generating SEO backlinks for specific keywords or keyword phrases will not be published. Make sure to follow the rules below if you want your guest post to be published.
If youâve got a great idea for a post and would like to generate added exposure for yourself, your website, blog or shop, then feel free to submit your guest post. The only requirement is to promote your guest post on your own blog or website with a link back to Yarn Obsession. We expect that your post will be a great post useful and helpful to those in the yarn crafts, learning the yarn crafts or just interested in yarn. Guest posts should not be self-promotional although a link to your blog/website is allowed in a brief bio at the end of your guest post.
Guest posts that are flagged as potential spam, self-promotional only, and lacking the quality necessary for publication will not be published. This includes writing quality, content, and proofreading. Submission does not guarantee publication.
You will be notified if your guest post is accepted by Yarn Obsession and the date of publication will be provided in order for you to promote your guest post.
To have your guest post considered please send a word (.doc) document attached to an email sent to smaruska34 [at] gmail [dot] com. Please include the following in your document:
- Name
- Website address
- Post Title
- Article Body
Feel free to also forward any photo or video links associated with your post.