I love to crochet! I taught myself in 2002 and we've had a love affair ever since. A few years after learning to crochet, I decided to teach myself to knit. Why? Because I love yarn too, and knitting is also done with yarn. The more I can do to dimnish my stash, the sooner I can purchase more yarn. However, as much as I loved to do both, I always found that crochet fit into my lifestyle better. It was easier to carry, faster to work up and I found it easier to do. So, for now I've hung up my knitting needles and I only crochet.
Now, I see amazing knitting everywhere, and not as much amazing items in crochet. I thought I was alone in thinking crochet was tops, until I read
this article by Jayna! Jayna loves to crochet and she created a list of
8 reasons why crochet is better than knitting. Well, I'm not a big fan of saying "better" since they are different, but I love her list of reasons and I'm happy to know I'm not the only one embracing crochet to this extent.

Going forward there will be a lot more crochet patterns, talk and tutorials while I phase out the knitting in my life. After all, I have two young children and the faster I can get through a project, the better for everyone! I do like knitting and I may get back to it later in life, but for now, I'm a crocheter and I'm exactly where I want to be.